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Workbench Themes


With the Workbench Themes it is possible to search out geophysical properties such as resistivities, conductivites, depths, thickness, etc. from the inversion models. The properties can be displayed as depth/elevation slides, point themes, interpolated grids and images.

The Workbench Themes is included in Workbench Essentials.


Key features

  • Create point themes, grids and images from inversion model properties

  • Create depth/elevation slices of model parameters (e.g. resistivity/conductivity) in defined intervals

  • Create a theme of the resistivity, depth to or thickness of a specific model layer

  • Specific model properties extraction by advanced layer property filtering

  • Search out low resistivity layers

  • Create themes of Depth Of Investigation (DOI)

  • Use Digital Elevation Maps (DEM) for topography correction and blind the depth/elevation by DOI

Read our wiki page on the Workbench Themes


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