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You can find links to published papers below.


AarhusInv inversion code


  • Munday, T, 2018
    An exploration of AEM inversion methods for defining sub-basin geometries in the McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia
    AEM2018, 7th international workshop on Airborne Electromagnetics - download


  • Munday, T, 2017
    1, 2.5 or 3D AEM inversion methods for targeting base-metal mineral systems in the McArthur Basin, NT?Decisions, decisions…
    15th SAGA Biennial Conference & Exhibition 2017 - download

    Auken, E., Christiansen, A. V., Fiandaca, G., Schamper, C., Behroozmand, A. A., Binley, A., Nielsen, E., Effersø, F., Christensen, N. B., Sørensen, K. I., Foged, N., and Vignoli, G.,2015, 

  • An overview of a highly versatile forward and stable inverse algorithm for airborne, ground-based and borehole electromagnetic and electric data 
    Exploration Geophysics, 2015, 223-235. - download

  • Auken, E., Christiansen, A. V., Jacobsen, L., and Sørensen, K. I.,2008, 

  • A resolution study of buried valleys using laterally constrained inversion of TEM data 
    Journal of Applied Geophysics, 65, 10-20. - download


  • Auken, E., Christiansen, A. V., Jacobsen, B. H., Foged, N., and Sørensen, K. I.,2005, 
    Piecewise 1D Laterally Constrained Inversion of resistivity data 
    Geophysical Prospecting, 53, 497-506. - download


  • Auken, E. and Christiansen, A. V.,2004, 
    Layered and laterally constrained 2D inversion of resistivity data 
    Geophysics, 69, 752-761. - download


  • Auken, E., Jørgensen, F., and Sørensen, K. I.,2003, 
    Large-scale TEM investigation for groundwater 
    Exploration Geophysics, 33, 188-194. - download


  • Behroozmand, A. A., Keating, K., and Auken, E.,7-9-2014, 
    A review of the principles and applications of the NMR technique for near surface characterization 
    Surveys in Geohysics, Published online, 1-59. - download


  • Behroozmand, A. A., Auken, E., Fiandaca, G., and Christiansen, A. V.,2012, 
    Improvement in MRS parameter estimation by joint and laterally constrained inversion of MRS and TEM data 
    Geophysics, 74, WB191-WB200. - download


  • Behroozmand, A. A., Auken, E., Fiandaca, G., Christiansen, A. V., and Christensen, N. B.,2012,
    Efficient full decay inversion of MRS data with a stretched-exponential approximation of the T2* distribution 
    Geophysical Journal International, 190, 900-912. - download


  • Chandra, S., S. Ahmed, E. Auken, J. B. Pedersen, A. Sing, and S. K. Verma, 2016,
    3D aquifer mapping employing airborne geophysics to meet India’s water future 
    The Leading Edge, 2016, September. download


  • Christiansen, A. V., Auken, E., Foged, N., and Sørensen, K. I.,2007, 
    Mutually and laterally constrained inversion of CVES and TEM data - A case study 
    Near Surface Geophysics, 5, 115-124. - download


  • Christiansen, A. V., Auken, E., and Viezzoli, A.,2011, 
    Quantification of modeling errors in airborne TEM caused by inaccurate system description 
    Geophysics, 76, F43-F52. - download


  • Christiansen, A. V. and Auken, E.,2012, 
    A global measure for depth of investigation 
    Geophysics, 77, WB171-WB177. - download


  • Christiansen, A. V., Auken, E., Kirkegaard, C., Schamper, C., and Vignoli, G.,2015, 
    An efficient hybrid scheme for fast and accurate inversion of airborne transient electromagnetic data 
    Exploration Geophysics, 1-8. - download


  • Doetsch, J., Fiandaca, G., Auken, E., Christiansen, A. V., Cahill, A. G., and Jacobsen, J. D,2015, 
    Field scale time-domain spectral induced polarization monitoring of geochemical changes induced by injected CO2 in a shallow aquifer 
    Geophysics, 80, WA113-WA126. - download


  • Doetsch, J., Ingemann-Nielsen, T., Christiansen, A. V., Fiandaca, G., Auken, E., and Elberling, B.,2015, 
    Direct current (DC) resistivity and induced polarization (IP) monitoring of active layer dynamics at high temporal resolution 
    Cold Regions Science and Technology, 119, 16-28. - download


  • Kirkegaard, C. and Auken, E.,2014, 
    A parallel, scalable and memory efficient inversion code for very large scale airborne EM surveys 
    Geophysical Prospecting, 63, 495-507. - download


  • Madsen, L., G. Fiandaca, A. Christiansen, and E. Auken, 2017,
    Resolution of well-known resistivity equivalences by inclusion of time-domain induced polarization data,
    GEOPHYSICS,E47-E54. download


  • Vilhelmsen, T. N., Behroozmand, A. A., Christensen, S., and Nielsen, T. H.,2014, 
    Joint inversion of aquifer test, MRS and TEM data 
    Water Resources Research, 50, 3956-3975. - download


Airborne modules


  • Auken, E., Christiansen, A. V., Westergaard, J. A., Kirkegaard, C., Foged, N., and Viezzoli, A.,2009, 
    An integrated processing scheme for high-resolution airborne electromagnetic surveys, the SkyTEM system 
    Exploration Geophysics, 40, 184-192. - download


  • Auken, E., Violette, S., d'Ozouville, N., Deffontaines, B., Sørensen, K. I., Viezzoli, A., and de Marsily, G.,2009, 
    An integrated study of the hydrogeology of volcanic islands using helicopter borne transient electromagnetic: Application in the Galápagos Archipelago 
    Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 341, 899-907. - download


  • Bedrosian., P., Schamper, C., and Auken, E.,2015, 
    A comparison of helicopter-borne electromagnetic systems for hydrogeologic studies 
    Geophysical Prospecting, 2015, 1-24. - download


  • Burschil, T., Wiederhold, Helga, and Auken, E.,2012, 
    Seismic results as a-priori knowledge for airborne TEM data inversion - A case study 
    Journal of Applied Geophysics, 80, 121-128. - download


  • Chongo.M, Christiansen, A. V., Tembo, A., Banda, K. E., Nyambe, I. A., Larsen, F., and Bauer-Gottwein, P.,2015, 
    Airborne and ground-based transient electromagnetic mapping of groundwater salinity in the Machile-Zambezi Basin, southwestern Zambia 
    Near Surface Geophysics, 13, 383-395. - download


  • Foged, N., Marker, P. A., Christiansen, A. V., Bauer-Gottwein, P., Jørgensen, F., Høyer, A.-S., and Auken, E.,4-11-2014, 
    Large scale 3D-modeling by integration of resistivity models and borehole data through inversion 
    Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 4349-4362. - download


  • Foley, N., S. Tulaczyk, E. Auken, C. Schamper, H. Dugan, J. Mikucki, V. Ross, and P. T. Doran, 2016,
    Helicopter-borne transient electromagnetics in high-latitude environments: An application in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, Geophysics, 81, 1. download


  • Gunnink, J. L., Bosch, J. H. A, Siemon, B., Roth.B., and Auken, E.,2012, 
    Combining ground-based and airborne EM through Artificial Neural Networks for modelling glacial till under saline groundwater conditions 
    Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 3061-3074. - download


  • Høyer, A.-S., Jørgensen, F., Lykke-Andersen, H., and Christiansen, A. V.,2014, 
    Iterative modelling of AEM data based on geological a priori information from seismic and borehole data 
    Near Surface Geophysics, 12, -DOI: 10.3997/1873-0604.2014024. - download


  • Høyer, A.-S., Jørgensen, F., Foged, N., He, X., and Christiansen, A. V.,2014, 
    Three-dimensional geological modelling of AEM resistivity data - A comparison of three methods 
    Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2015, 65-78. - download


  • Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P., Auken, E., Lykke-Andersen, H., and Sørensen, K. I.,2005, 
    Contributions to the geological mapping of Mors, Denmark - A study based on a large-scale TEM survey 
    Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, DGF, 52, 53-75. - download


  • Kirkegaard, C., Foged, N., Auken, E., Christiansen, A. V., and Sørensen, K. I.,2012, 
    On the value of including x-component data in 1D modeling of electromagnetic data from helicopterborne time domain systems in horizontally layered environments 
    Journal of Applied Geophysics, 84, 64-69. - download


  • Kirkegaard, C., Sonnenborg, T. O., Auken, E., and Flemming, J.,2011, 
    Salinity Distribution in Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifers Mapped by Airborne Electromagnetics 
    Vadose Zone Journal, 10, 125-135. - download


  • Marker, P. M., T. N. Vilhelmsen, N. Foged, T. Wernberg, E. Auken, and P. Bauer-Gottwein, 2017,
    Probabilistic predictions using a groundwater model informed with airborne EM data,
    Advances in Water Ressources, 2017, 103,13. download


  • Mikucki, J. A., Auken, E., Tulaczyk, S., Virginia, R. A., Schamper, C., Sorensen, K. I., Doran, P. T., Dugan, H., and Foley, N.,28-4-2015, 
    Deep groundwater and potential subsurface habitats beneath an Antarctic dry valley 
    Nature Communications, 6. - download


  • Pedersen, J. B., F. W. Schaars, A. V. Christiansen, N. Foged, C. Schamper, H. Rolf, and E. Auken, 2017,
    Mapping the fresh-saltwater interface in the coastal zone using high-resolution airborne electromagnetics, First Break, 35, August 17,5. download


  • Sandersen, P., Jørgensen, F., Larsen, N K, Westergaard, J. H., and Auken, E.,2009, 
    Rapid tunnel-valley formation beneath the receding Late Weichselian ice sheet in Vendsyssel, Denmark 
    BOREAS, 38, 834-851, DOI: 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2009.00105.x. - download


  • Schamper, C., Jørgensen, F., Auken, E., and Effersø, F.,2014, 
    Assessment of near-surface mapping capabilities by airborne transient electromagnetic data - An extensive comparison to conventional borehole data 
    Geophysics, 79, B187-B199. - download


  • Steuer, Annika., Siemon, B., and Auken, E.,2009, 
    A comparison of helicopter-borne electromagnetics in frequency- and time-domain at the Cuxhaven valley in Northern Germany 
    Journal of Applied Geophysics, 67, 194-205. - download


  • Viezzoli, A., Munday, T., Auken, E., and Christiansen, A. V.,2010, 
    Accurate quasi 3D versus practical full 3D inversion of AEM data - the Bookpurnong case study 
    Preview, 149, 23-31. - download


  • Viezzoli, A., Auken, E., and Munday, T.,2009, 
    Spatially constrained inversion for quasi 3D modelling of airborne electromagnetic data - an application for environmental assessment in the Lower Murray Region of South Australia 
    Exploration Geophysics, 40, 173-183. - download


  • Viezzoli, A., Christiansen, A. V., Auken, E., and Sørensen, K. I.,2008, 
    Quasi-3D modeling of airborne TEM data by Spatially Constrained Inversion 
    Geophysics, 73, F105-F113. - download




  • Chongo.M, Christiansen, A. V., Fiandaca, G., Nyambe, I. A., Larsen, F., and Bauer-Gottwein, P.,9-10-2015, 
    Mapping localised freshwater anomalies in the brackish paleo-lake sediments of the Machile-Zambezi Basin with transient electromagnetic sounding, geoelectrical imaging and induced polarisation 
    Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2015, 81-92. - download


  • Chongo.M, Christiansen, A. V., Tembo, A., Banda, K. E., Nyambe, I. A., Larsen, F., and Bauer-Gottwein, P.,2015, 
    Airborne and ground-based transient electromagnetic mapping of groundwater salinity in the Machile-Zambezi Basin, southwestern Zambia 
    Near Surface Geophysics, 13, 383-395. - download


ERT/IP module


  • Chongo.M, Christiansen, A. V., Fiandaca, G., Nyambe, I. A., Larsen, F., and Bauer-Gottwein, P.,9-10-2015, 
    Mapping localised freshwater anomalies in the brackish paleo-lake sediments of the Machile-Zambezi Basin with transient electromagnetic sounding, geoelectrical imaging and induced polarisation 
    Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2015, 81-92. - download


  • Gazoty, A., Fiandaca, G., Pedersen, J., Auken, E., and Christiansen, A. V.,2012, 
    Mapping of landfills using time-domain spectral induced polarization data: The Eskelund case study 
    Near Surface Geophysics, 10, 575-586. - download


  • Fiandaca, G., Auken, E., Gazoty, A., and Christiansen, A. V.,23-4-2012, 
    Time-domain induced polarization: Full-decay forward modeling and 1D laterally constrained inversion of Cole-Cole parameters 
    Geophysics, 77, E213-E225. - download


  • Maurya, P. K., V. K. Rønde, G. Fiandaca, N. Balbarini, E. Auken, P. L. Bjerg, and A. V. Christiansen, 2017,
    Detailed landfill leachate plume mapping using 2D and 3D electrical resistivity tomography - with correlation to ionic strength measured in screens, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 138,1-8. download

  • Rumph Frederiksen, R., A. V. Christiansen, S. Christensen, and K. R. Rasmussen, 2017,
    A direct comparison of EMI data and borehole data on a 1000 ha data set, GEODERMA, 2017, 303,188–195. download

GCM module

  • Christiansen, A., J. B. Pedersen, E. Auken, N. E. Søe, M. K. Holst, and S. M. Kristiansen, 2016,
    Improved Geoarchaeological Mapping with Electromagnetic Induction Instruments from Dedicated Processing and Inversion, Remote Sensing, 2016, 8,15. download

tTEM module

  • Auken, E., N. Foged, J. J. Larsen, K. V. T. Lassen, P. K. Maurya, S. M. Dath, and T. Eiskjær, 2018,
    tTEM – a Towed TEM system for Detailed 3D Imaging of the Top 70 meters of the Subsurface, Geophysics. download

  • Auken, E., J. B. Pedersen, and P. K. Maurya,2018,
    A new towed geophysical transient electromagnetic system for near-surface mapping, Preview, June 2018,33-35. download

Aarhus Workbench


  • Vignoli, G., G. Fiandaca, A. V. Christiansen, C. Kirkegaard, and E. Auken, 2015,
    Sharp spatially constrained inversion with applications to transient electromagnetic data,
    Geophysical Prospecting, 63, 1, 243-255. download


  • Foged, N., Auken, E., Christiansen, A. V., and Sørensen, K. I.,2013, 
    Test site calibration and validation of airborne and ground based TEM systems 
    Geophysics, 78, E95-E106. - download


  • Thomsen, R., Søndergaard, V. H., and Sørensen, K. I.,2004, 
    Hydrogeological mapping as a basis for establishing site-specific groundwater protection zones in Denmark 
    Hydrogeology, 12, 550-562. - download



AarhusInv inversion code
Airborne modules
Aarhus Workbench

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8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

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