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Download Aarhus Workbench 6

To download and install the latest versions, log in to MySeequent with your Seequent ID.

If you don't have a Seequent ID, create one here with the same email address you have for your existing AGS license. 

Download Aarhus Workbench 6.9 installer


Aarhus Workbench is a 64-bit program and can not be installed on 32-bit operating systems.



To obtain a license code contact us at


Download old Aarhus Workbench versions

Old Workbench versions until August 2020 can be downloaded here

For versions older than August 2020, contact us.

The table below shows which version fits to the support date of the license.

Additional third-party software is needed to run older versions of Workbench. If they are not already installed, they can be downloaded here

No support is given on older Workbench versions.




© 2024 by Aarhus GeoSoftware

Skolegade 21, 1

8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

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