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Release of Aarhus Workbench 5.4


Aarhus Workbench 5.4 has been released with many new features such as:

  • WMS server support.

  • Import and visualization of geophysical logs (las file format).

  • Added support for import of: several data files, elevation and GPS shift for the Streamed ERT module.

  • New export features for GCM and ERT.

For this release, we have also focused on streamlining many tools between the different inversion nodes and model selections.

For all new features and fixes see release doc in Aarhus Workbench.

To get the update, open Aarhus Workbench and follow the update instructions.

WMS server support

Aarhus Workbench now support WMS servers for the GIS interface, so all users can get a background map. The user can connect to a WMS server when creating a new workspace or to an existing workspace. This update comes with a default WMS server that covers the world, but the user can add and save connection to other servers they want to use.

This tool is a part of Workbench Essentials.

Import of geophysical logs

With the new release, our Essentials module now includes import of geophysical logs in the las file format. For know the user can visualize the logs on plots, but we are working on different visualizations with inversion models and on section. It will also be possible to use resistivity logs as information in the inversions.

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